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Monday, October 14, 2013

TTT 10/15: Top Ten Books Elizabeth Was Forced to Read

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly bookish meme hosted by The Broke and Bookish. Today's prompt is: Top Ten Book I Was "Forced" to Read (either by teachers, friends, other bloggers, book club). 

1. How to Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee
I was required to read this book over the summer (ugh, summer reading) for my English class and I thought I'd really hate it but it turned out to be one of the best book I've ever read. So many life lessons to learn from this novel.

2. The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins
Yeah...*hangs head in shame* I didn't actually want to read The Hunger Games in 7th grade English class because I read the first chapter in 6th grade and didn't like it. But the funny thing with me is that a lot of my favorite books I didn't like the first time around. The Hunger Games was fabulous the second time around. Now I'm just sad that I took reading YA in English class for granted because now we're reading high level analytic literature which is no fun. 

3. The Giver by Lois Lowry
I was first required to read this in English class in 4th grade which is suprising to me now since it had many themes that no nine year old would have understood. However, even with no understanding of the underlying themes, I still loved the book and was ecstatic when it was announced in 7th grade to be one of our required readings. (PS SO EXCITED FOR THE MOVIE)

4. The Outsiders by SE Hinton
Again, a required English class read in 7th grade (back in the good days when I got to read interesting books in English class). I think I was the only one who loved the book for the writing and themes though. All the other people just liked the movie because the cast was "super attractive". 

5. Where the Red Fern Grows by Wilson Rawls
This book is so, so great but so sad. Required class reading in 5th grade and everyone bawled. Then we watched the movie and everyone bawled again. 

6. Number the Stars by Lois Lowry
Another required read in 5th grade and one of my favorite books about the Holocaust. Really touching and well written. 

7. Wonder by RJ Palacio
My ten year old brother forced me to read this one because he was [fanboying?] so hard over it. So I gave in and read it and I AM SO GLAD I DID. It's one of my 50 favorite books. 

8. Delirium by Lauren Oliver 
Persuaded by friends to read this. Enjoyed it very much. 

9. Hush Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick
Forced by bff to read. Admit it was pretty good. 

10. Gone by Michael Grant 
Strongly recommended by friends. Basically a YA version of Under the Dome.

What are some books you were forced to read? Comment below!


  1. Did you know that I still haven't read To Kill a Mocking Bird. What is wrong with me? It's on my list of books to read. Perhaps I will go out and buy it this weekend. I also haven't read The Giver or anything by Lois Lowery. Shame on me.

    Great list!!

  2. I LOVE To Kill a Mockingbird, The Hunger Games, The Giver, The Outsiders, Where the Red Fern Grows, and Number the Stars!

    Thanks for stopping by my TTT!


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