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Tuesday, June 25, 2013

TV Shows Review: Emily's favorites - Being Human

As a second part to my TV shows review thingy mabob, I thought I tell you about my love for

For those of you who don't know what this show is about, to sum it up on a nutshell it's a comedy-drama series about housemates who are actually a werewolf, a vampire and a ghost.

It comes from the wonderful BBC, but sadly the final series finished this year. WAAA.
But don't let this stop you from watching it, because it is some extremely hilarious stuff, with its great supernatural twist. It has a total of 5 series BUT ONLY 6 EPISODES PER ONE. (I really don't understand why the BBC objects to having 20+ episodes in a series like in the States, but hey.) So anyway, it's obviously not just about boring everyday life, like the constant battle between man and self service machine..

                                                                                   ...or parking the car

...or what to have for tea.

..there's plenty of 'end of the world as we know it' situations. And sometimes you really can't see how the good guys will win. *gasp* The writers do a fab job when creating the bad guys. But I don't want to say to much.

The original cast consisted of Aidan Turner, Russell Tovey and Lenora Crichlow. At the time they weren't so well known, but know you would recognise them. Aidan Turner currently plays Kili in The Hobbit series, and is also cast as Luke in  The Mortal Instruments film. However, series 5 sees a almost recast in the main characters. I know that when you watch a show and the main characters change, sometimes you feel as if the show isn't as good anymore, but it isn't the case. It's still just as good. The original trio are replaced with Damien Molony, Micheal Socha and Kate Bracken. (Seriously guys, don't get me started on Damien Molony, there's this whole moment with his character, Hal, singing and dancing with a mop. It's was beautiful.)

i caN'T

REMAKES however, aren't the same. Because it has come to my knowledge that there is a US version of the show, that is no where near as good. I guess sometimes you just can't beat a bit of British humor.

The show is just so good. Every scene is as good as the last. And let me tell you, the season finale killed me. Like the feels. THE FEEEEEEEELS.

~ Emily

1 comment:

  1. ALL THE BEING HUMAN LOVE!!!! I've become a HUGE Aidan Turner fan thanks to The Hobbit and so I totally marathoned Being Human simply because he was in it. Of course once I started watching the show it was less because he was in it, and more because THE SHOW IS FREAKING AMAZING. I do have to admit that I stopped watching once his character died. *sniff sniff* Do you think it's really worth it to watch the last two season despite the loss of most of the original cast?

    Also, I think I'm in the minority here, but I happen to like the BBC and their shorter seasons. It makes it easier on people like me who tend to discover shows after they've become popular and then there's less to catch up on. :P

    Julia @ That Hapa Chick


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